Podcast: Making Data Accessible To Nonprofits

Episode 7 of my podcast series, The BaDFun Podcast, is now live. Diving into the nonprofit realm this time, the title of this episode is “Empowering managers to become internal data experts, with Laurel Curran”. Here’s the blurb:

Laurel Curran podcast photo

“In this episode our guest isĀ Laurel Curran, a Consultant at San Francisco basedĀ Exponent Partners. Laurel gives us an inside look at how she equips nonprofits to improve fundraising and program delivery using a customized overlay on the Salesforce platform. Her first task is to enable non-technical front-line managers to become internal experts for their teams. Their long term success depends on whether they can meet stringent nonprofit reporting requirements on a volunteer-driven budget, then make incremental improvements when more resources become available.”

Please check it out and let me know what you think. And subscribe if you want to hear more.